The New Album Feels like it’s Developing Nicely – Coming to Life!

Last week, I completed the recording phase of my new album. All the instruments and vocals are down and in the can. It’s taken a long time, more time than I aimed for when I started on it. But now, after taking the many tiny steps necessary to get it done, all the elements are in place.

There are still some things to do, like mixing 3 songs, as well as tweaking and fine-tuning some of the others. But all 10 songs are in the final stage of production – mixing and mastering. I have scheduled the process in my calendar to get the whole thing finished by the end of June. That includes getting all the artwork, photos, booklet, and other assets completed – more about those at a later date.

I must admit, I have found myself distracted along the way by shiny objects and many rabbit holes here there and everywhere, but I put on a sprint in the last month or so and now I stand with all the recording side of the project done. Self-discipline and setting times to work on the project and sticking to it – no excuses – have made all the difference in getting it done. It takes just rolling up the sleeves and getting down to it.

I still have work to do on the album, yes. I also have the steps to complete the whole project mapped out in advance and scheduled into my calendar to get them done. Yes, life happens along the way, and I may not be able to control some of the things that might crop up, but I’m committed to navigating my way through whatever shows up and moving forwards. Goals are self-imposed and can be flexible if you allow it. Life and music are meant to be enjoyable, after all. I’m following what lights me up. I’m a creative force of nature, that’s my calling. So, I will create whatever draws me forwards. And my music is driving me onwards.

This album is something I’m passionate about, and I feel it’s coming from a deep inner calling. My aim is to make it my best work ever so far – the best work I’m capable of right now.  But I’m always looking to improving both myself and my skills as I move forwards, step by step. That is the journey I’m on.

So, what are you creating in your life? What’s driving you forwards to a better version of yourself?

Let me know your thoughts.

If you’d like to hear the songs as soon as they’re finished, consider joining my Patreon Membership. I post exclusive content and every new recording as they are done. Join the party here!

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