Getting out in the Real World again

I was out at the open mic at the Piper in Hoole last Thursday. It was my first outing in the real world for over 4 years – an essential first step to getting back into live gigs again. I was a little gig-rusty, as you might imagine, but I got out there and did it. It may take me a few open mics to build up my live chops again after such a long time out of the local live music scene.  So, I’ll get to more open mics going forwards to get my mojo working for the Golden Eagle gig on 7th June.

It’s a different thing practicing at home and doing Facebook Live shows compared to being in front of an actual flesh and blood audience. With the physical live thing, apart from having to travel and carry equipment, there are lots of other variables like in the moment audience distractions and reactions, technical considerations, different energy levels, and just different dynamics. There is an instant feedback loop rolling through the mind as you’re playing, and the focus and concentration need to ramp up to keep the performance in the zone.

I have a selection of cover songs to add to my ever-increasing set of originals. Last week I wrote 3 new songs, which I’ve yet to nail down and work with Thor. At the moment though we’re concentrating on the cover songs. I think when people in an audience see you for the first time, it helps if you can play something they might recognise so they have a way in to your own music. People love to hear songs they recognise, and covers are a way to bring more people into the musical conversation with an audience. I’ll not say here which covers we’re doing, but you may get to hear them in time.

If you ‘d like to watch a short video which includes a few clips of covers we’ve been working on, then click below.

The Facebook Event Page for the Golden Eagle gig on 7th June is here

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